Part 1:
1-Not plagiarized
2-Not plagiarized
3-Not plagiarized
Part 2:
4- Burkill, S., & Abbey, C. (2004). Avoiding Plagiarism. Journal of geography in higher education. 28(3), 439-446. Retrieved January 13,2008, from Academic Search Premier database.
5- Taylor, J. B. (2006). My stroke of insight: A brain scientist's personal journey. New York: Viking.
6- Harris, W. (n.d.). How natural-gas vehicles work. Retrieved , March 27, 2009 from hhtp:// /ngv.htm
7-Stroud, B. (2007). Writing about African Americans, their communities, and their quilts. In M.B. Sampson, P.E. Linder, F. Falk-Ross, M. Foote, & S. Szabo (Eds.), Multiple Literacies in the 21st Century (pp. 51-54). Logan, UT: College Reading Association.
Book (Chapter)
Part 3
8- Global warming is the increase in the Earth’s temperature as the result of greenhouse gases trapped in the atmosphere. Because of global warming, the average temperature of the Earth could rise as much as 8 degrees, causing sea levels to rise up to 23 inches over this century (Zakaria, 2007). I believe that we all have a responsibility to help prevent global warming. A recent report suggests that just by using more efficient appliances, we can have a significant impact on carbon emissions that affect global warming (Zakaria, 2007).
9. It’s no secret that the American population is getting fatter, in spite of our cultural obsession with fitness. Public health officials have expressed concern that the obesity “epidemic” is striking Americans of all ages, from very young children to older adults, and are looking to community groups to conduct outreach with at-risk groups (Turner, 2007, pg 27). Through such efforts we can only hope for a healthier future.
10- cancer is certainly a terrible disease, and researchers are hard at work attempting to find treatments and cures. However, it can be difficult for patients to figure out what is a legitimate treatment and what is the modern-day equivalent of snake oil, and it can be a source of stress to already burdened patients figuring out what is real medicine. Lowering the levels of copper in the body, eating a specialized organic, vegetarian, macrobiotic diet, and an Irish light therapy are just the kinds (Altshul, 2003, pg 60).
Professors might require a works cited page on their content that they use for imformation during a term paper. A works cited page shows who authored points of view, backgrounds, and motivations. Doing this also grants the student an opportunity in learning a lesson in critical thinking and also how to critique the quality of Web sites.
Different theories have arrived about why brain cells are destroyed in the course of an illness. A form of diabetes named Alzheimer's is one of those theories that many scientist's believe to a major cause. Scientist's have been searching the cause of this disease for more then a century.
According to co-author Kim Strassel, of the book, According to Leaving Women Behind: Modern Families, Outdated Laws, due to the way modern women live, private pensions do not contemplate the influx of women into the workforce. The main quote supporting this is "Because women live longer than men, they are more likely to suffer the defects of our retirement systems."
( Alharthi, 2009)
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